Daily Reads

Monday, April 20, 2015

A sigh of relief

I finished the exam week from heck tonight. Five exams, each worth at least 20% of the grade for their respective courses in six days.  I did the last two online this afternoon (or technically I guess yesterday afternoon?). I've got feed back on one already, and only an 88, but that leaves me running a 97, so I shouldn't freak too badly.  And it's in Principles of Finance, which isn't my best course anyway.

I spent the rest of the evening doing logic puzzles and watching episodes of Grimm, Agents of SHEILD, and Fringe.

And I got one of the Sasquan "scholarships" that Mary Robinette Kowal organized.  I'm really looking forward to receiving the voter packet.  I suspect there will be some difficult choices.  I haven't read any of the nominated works this year, so if nothing else I'll be busy.

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