Daily Reads

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Post-Op Day 9

I took the steri-strips off today and the incisions seem to be healing nicely. There are some very diffinite lumps under them which would be where the stiches are tied. Hopefully they will absorb properly, unlike the stiches when I had my deviated septum repaired last year.  I'd rather not have my surgeon have to make incisions in the incisions to remove them.

I'm definitely doing better, though I'm still using the sling, though not around the house (I'd like to keep my balance, thank you), and I'm being very careful about trying to remember to NOT "push, pull, or lift" with my left arm.  The doctor didn't say I should stop using the sling, but she didn't say I had to continue, and there is nothing in the post-op instructions about it, just the no "push, pull, lift" bit.  Since I think the sling can actually make things worse, I'll keep it handy, but not use it if I don't obviously need it.

I have my first day of PT on Monday, with a re-evaluation, so that will be interesting.  I can tell that the shoulder is a lot more frozen/stiff than it was before surgery.  I don't think PT will be fun. 

At least I feel that I can now start job hunting, since I should be driving well before the beginning of the fall semester. It just needs to be a second shift/weekend position.

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